Save the date!
July 17-19, 2025
Newport Beach, CA
Dear Colleagues,
The paradox of “more data = more controversies” in interventional cardiology marches on! The CICT conference is the one place where unfiltered debates by world-class faculty shed light on the many open questions in the field! From the “Hands-on Fellows Workshop” to the two-day didactic program, faculty and attendees engage in
lively and insightful dialogue to make sense of the “data entanglement”, advance operator techniques, and ultimately advance patient care.
We look forward to having another inspiring conference!
Issam Moussa and Horst Sievert
(on behalf of the CICT board of directors)
The CICT workshops have been designed to meet the educational needs of interventional cardiologists, non-invasive cardiologists and cardiology fellows along with cath lab nurses, technicians and other medical professionals who care for patients undergoing catheter-based cardiovascular interventions.
Upon conclusion of this program, participants should be able to:
The benefits provided to the attendees are:
Open discussions
Innovations on the horizont
Keynote lectures
New devices
New techniques
Certification for participating
The Westin Pasadena
191 N Los Robles Ave,
Pasadena, CA 91101, United States